Our team cover a wide spectrum of manual and automated testing from functionality testing, regression testing, to load and performance testing.
Just App Development quality assurance division houses exceptional talent who are passionate about verifying and validating the functionality of each and every project to ensure successful software delivery that is aligned with your business objectives.
Our experts hold vast experience in utilising the leading testing tools, whilst leveraging our proven QA methodology, enabling clients to obtain a smarter, more efficient approach to testing.
Encompassing continuous integration and continuous deployment methodologies and tools, our talented staff are able to work within your in-house teams or as a external test consultancy to engage with you to enable faster releases of software or product updates.
At Just App Development we understand the challenges facing your organisation, both in the actual QA process and also in your budget limitations. In order to address those needs we have developed a number of approaches that add value to the process whilst supporting organisations with their vital testing requirements.